Your Friendly Home for Comprehensive Optometry

Wide Variety of Eye Care Services

Comprehensive Eye Exams

A comprehensive eye exam measures visual function and eye health. This is done with a variety of medical equipment, great precision, and can only be done correctly by your eye doctor.

The measurements we take at Peninsula Eye Care will result in the best glasses and contact lens prescription possible, as well as analysis of your eye health. This involves examining not only the outside portion of the eye, but also the internal parts (the retina) using non-invasive techniques and imaging.

Eye health is important to monitor regularly in those with known health issues and also those with no previous history of a problem. Eye examinations fall under the category of preventative care in many cases, ensuring stability and letting a patient know of any changes before symptoms arise. An analysis of the eye is the only way to assess blood vessels and nerves non-invasively. Many diseases of the body such as diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and auto immune diseases, present in the eye. Therefore, an eye health check benefits not only your eyes, but your whole body.

Diabetic Eye Exams

Our patients with diabetes receive a full comprehensive exam. After optimizing vision, Dr. Buck carefully assesses the eye for damage from diabetes. A letter discussing your eye health is sent to your primary care doctor with every visit, and coordination of care is discussed with you personally.

Diabetes is a systemic (whole body) disease that affects blood vessels everywhere in the body. The eye is a prime place to monitor this disease as your eye doctor can safely view blood vessels without cutting into tissue. In addition to giving your primary care doctor information, a diabetic eye exam helps monitor and safeguard your eyes and vision.


Enhanced Vision, Sun Protection & Safety

Standard & Specialty Contact Lens Fitting

Contact lens fitting involves measurements of the curvature of the front surface of your eye in order to obtain the proper curve of the lens. We specialize in difficult to fit lenses.

Ocular Disease Treatment & Management

From degenerative diseases to eye injury, with early detection and treatment, you can often protect your eyes against serious vision loss.

Pre and Post-Operative Care

Our doctors provide pre and post operative care for cataract surgery, LASIK, PRK, corneal transplants and other surgeries. Ask us about our free LASIK evaluation with your comprehensive eye exam.

Low Vision Rehabilitation

Some patients (due to eye disease, congenital/childhood disease, or injury) cannot achieve perfect vision even with the best glasses and contacts. Both of our doctors specialize in optimizing visual function for these patients using devices and techniques in our Low Vision Clinic.

The doctors at Peninsula Eye Care understand the challenges and complications of navigating home, office, and driving with impaired vision. If you or a loved one suffer from low or impaired vision, schedule a consultation today with Dr. Buck by calling (757)-978-2020.